À Kiev, le tournage a commencé pour le premier des huit épisodes de la série télé "The Best Detective". Si ce n'est pas du Sherlock Holmes, ça y ressemble. L'action se passe il y a une centaine d'années, et présente les aventures incroyables d'un agent secret devenu détective privé, Ivan Pidoprigora, et de son assistant, le comte Osyka-Mayevsky. La série est basée sur une série de livres d'aventures de l'écrivain ukrainien Vladislav Ivchenko. La première diffusion est prévue sur la chaîne ICTV en 2021.

The ICTV channel has started shooting a new detective “Best detective”. The series will become a peculiar alternative to the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
The pilot episode of “the Best detective” is removed with the support of the Ukrainian cultural Fund. The screenplay is built on the basis of the novel by the Ukrainian writer Vladislava Ivchenko, a native of Sumy region.
From a retro Comedy to expect that it will become one of the largest costumed shows. For the first day on the set was built stadium with bleachers beginning of the twentieth century. In addition to these large-scale scenery involved more than 100 actors and was invited to shoot a real football team.
In the story, a provincial landowner, and before the employee of the Kiev security service, Ivan Pidoprigora undertakes private investigations. Since the quiet life bought them a small farm Qurbani, that in the Poltava region, he eventually tired of it, then with the support of his partner count Majewski Pidoprigora rushed into the whirlpool of adventure.
